Mission and Vision
To be an Environmental Economics and Natural Resources (water, land and mineral based) Sustainable Management world class platform in University of Aveiro.
Build and Boost from within: By exploring our core team strengths, searching for multidisciplinary links and fostering out of the box collaborations we will develop new projects, new knowledge and new capacity building in EENR.

SGD 2030 and Smart Specialisation
BESIDE is fully aligned with UN sustainable development goals for 2030, EU priorities that include the commitment for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth based on knowledge and innovation and the shared pursuit of excellence, and with the national and Centro-Portugal region research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3).
Key data
BESIDE is funded by the European Commission, under the programme Horizon 2020, Coordination and Support Actions.
- Grant agreement ID: 951389
- Duration - 78 Months (2021-01-01 - 2027-06-31)
- Budget – 2 498 621.25 €

Focus areas
BESIDE aims to reinforce and consolidate at the University of Aveiro (UAVR) Associated Laboratory CESAM research expertise in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources (EENR). This will boost the existing fundamental and applied research activities by filling the identified gaps on:
- Financial impact of environmental policies
- High-skilled jobs opportunities
- Circular economy business models.
BESIDE is framed in 4 pillars:
- Institutional economics (how do institutions shape and constrain sustainable resources management);
- Behavioural economics (what is needed to provoke sustainable resources management);
- Critical economics (drawbacks and limits to as well as going beyond the ecosystem services approach); and
- Adaptive economics (model competitive advantages for existing and new businesses, and jobs).

Goals and Impacts
BESIDE main objective is to reinforce and consolidate research expertise on Institutional, Behavioural, Critical and Adaptive Economics at the University of Aveiro (UAVR) Associated Laboratory CESAM, by creating an Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Platform under the leadership of the ERA Chair.
- Recruit an outstanding researcher to fulfil the ERA-Chair holder position and international highly skilled researchers to set up the ERA Chair team
- Establishing a research platform of world-class quality in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources
- Strengthening the research management and administration skills
- Increase international mobility of researchers
- Increase CESAM’s participation in international competitive research funding programmes
- Enhance CESAM’s competences in dissemination and communication of research results
- Ensure the sustainability of the action