A-AAGORA participates in the event in Milan – Restoring our Ocean and Waters by 2030: The power of the young generations’ visionary solutions

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the University of Milan Bicocca, the Vittorio Veneto Liceo Scientifico, the European Commission and the BlueMissionMed Coordination and Support Action have organised a major event to promote intergenerational dialogue inspired by the European Mission: Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030.

The event aimed to highlight the potential of the oceans, seas and rivers as important components of the European economy and emphasise the collective responsibility to protect and restore these vital ecosystems. By showcasing different Mission Lighthouses, it aimed to inspire future ocean leaders and provide insights into the diverse job opportunities of the Blue Economy.

A key part of the event was an intergenerational dialogue for the exchange of knowledge and expertise, involving various Mission-related projects and engaging young leaders in discussions focused on innovative solutions and scientific advances.

Under the guidance of experienced scientists and representatives from the private sector, students and young researchers worked together in different classrooms, each dedicated to one of the four thematic challenges – The role and management of marine protected areas, Marine Biodiversity Inland Waters and Plastic pollution.

The A-AAGORA project was part of the classroom on marine biodiversity. A-AAGORA is structured to support the European Commission’s mission to “Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030” as part of the “Atlantic-Arctic Basin lighthouse”.

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